Who Writes This Stuff?

My name is Courtenay. I’m in my last semester in college, getting my bachelor’s degree in psychology and trying to make sense of the world from my point of view.

I grew up a total book nerd, reading at a high-school level by elementary school. I even got to read Henry and Mudge to my preschool class. Not that I’m bragging. But my writing didn’t start in earnest until, after reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, I read an interview with JK Rowling in which she stated that she wrote stories for her family starting at a very young age. Jealous of her success and raring to start my own writing career, I penned my first (and, I discovered while cleaning out my closet a few months ago, still unfinished) story, Puck the Trickster Puppy, when I was 7 years old. I haven’t stopped writing since. I’d like to think my writing is better now than it was when I was in the single digits, but that’s not really up to me to decide, I guess.

This blog is an amalgamation of anything and everything I can string words together about. Feminism, sexuality, psychology, mental illness, films, television, video games, dogs, fashion, stories from my childhood…I want it all, and I want it on my blog. I’m full of anxiety all the time. I try to be funny. I often fail. I will attempt to post at least every other day, barring extenuating circumstances such as exams or my dorm building burning down or needing to spend an entire weekend watching back episodes of Game Grumps.

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